In Cool Springs
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Firstlight Art Academy


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We try to make this whole art class thing work without fundraisers. It’s not always easy.

However, one of the things we like to do, is help people when the unexpected happens. If you purchased one of our courses, but cannot finish it due to certain unforeseen circumstances, we offer this 30-day cancellation notice and refund of remaining charges (only before February 20th of the school year). Send us the form below, and tell us about your problem with continuing (this cancellation is offered for: private family crisis, health issues, dissatisfaction, moving out of middle TN, or finances). We’ll refund or stop your payment after 30 days. This allows us to attempt to find a replacement for your empty seat that you reserved. If your reasons are purely financial, we can almost always figure something out for you.

Because cancelation in the middle of the course is hard on the school and the students, we ask that you read our policies, and especially the detailed explanation at the bottom of that page. We can accommodate refunds for the reasons stated. We don’t accept refunds of your art course due to changes in student’s scheduling made after beginning the art course, or for feeling overwhelmed. However, we will work as hard as we can to help, including moving students to other classes and granting scholarships.


This form can only be accepted on or before February 20th of the school year course. After that date we can no longer attempt to fill empty seats.


Fill out the following email form and submit.

The last name of the person who holds the Firstlight account.
If you need to explain further, you can do so here.

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